Coronavirus Update

Coronavirus Update – 14th April 2021
We’re happy to be able to start welcoming familiar and new faces back to the Norfolk Broads, it’s certainly been a long time coming and after a strange start to the year we all need a holiday to look forward to albeit socially distanced.
Following the latest update from the Government confirming the ease of restrictions from 12th April 2021 for self-contained holidays we are pleased to announce we’re open and welcoming customers for their holidays.
Whilst certain measures are still in place regarding social distancing, who you can meet up with and how many people you can meet up with we respectfully ask you to continue following the government guidance.
We have contacted everyone whose holidays were affected during February, March and April because of lockdown.
Now we’re out of lockdown and holidays are able to go ahead again we’re happy to say we’re back to our full fleet of staff on site now. Should you have any questions regarding your holiday and the guidance in place then please call our customer service team who will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.
Please remember when you’re on site to respect the rules in place and follow the social distancing rules in place to keep you and our staff safe.
For more information and FAQs about the new guidelines please follow this link.
Look forward to seeing you soon for your Norfolk Broads holiday.
The Herbert Woods Team
Coronavirus Update – 23rd February 2021
Following the latest announcement from the Government confirming the most recent national lockdown, we will now be transferring all our holidays commencing between the 1st March 2021 and the 12th April 2021 to a later date.
If your holiday is affected we will be in contact with you to discuss your options. Please don’t try and get in touch with us directly as we will be contacting customers in order of their holiday dates so don’t be worried if you haven’t received a call from us straight away.
Holidays booked after the 12th April currently remain unaffected and we will continue to follow government guidance in regard to social distancing and social contact (Household bubbles). If your holiday is due to commence from 13th April 2021 then please do not contact us at present, when we receive more information we will contact you via email or phone.
Thank you for your continued support in these difficult times. We look forward to when you will be able to return to the Norfolk Broads and enjoy the tranquillity and serenity that our waterways offer.
We will update our website and social media with all the latest information as the situation changes.
Please keep yourself familiarised with what’s happening in your area by using the Governments Postcode Checker
Stay Safe
The Herbert Woods Team
Coronavirus Update – 22nd February 2021 (*Updated*)
Following the update from the house of commons today we are asking our customers who have a holiday booked for the affected months to allow us time to digest the update.
If your holiday is affected we will be in contact with you to discuss your options. Please don’t try and get in touch with us directly as we will be contacting customers in order of their holiday dates so don’t be worried if you haven’t received a call from us straight away.
We thank you for your support and understanding, we can’t wait to welcome you back as soon as it is safe to do so.
Your Herbert Woods Team
Coronavirus Update – 25th January 2021 (*Updated*)
Following the latest announcement from the Government confirming the most recent national lockdown, we will now be transferring all our holidays commencing between the 5th January 2021 and the 28th February 2021 to a later date.
If your holiday is affected we will be in contact with you to discuss your options. Please don’t try and get in touch with us directly as we will be contacting customers in order of their holiday dates so don’t be worried if you haven’t received a call from us straight away.
Holidays booked for March currently remain unaffected and we will continue to follow government guidance in relation to the extent of the current national lockdown and any further and following guidance with regard to social distancing and local arrangements. If your holiday is due to commence from 1st March 2021 then please do not contact us at present, when we receive more information we will contact you via email or phone.
Thank you for your continued support in these difficult times. We look forward to when you will be able to return to the Norfolk Broads and enjoy the tranquillity and serenity that our waterways offer.
We will update our website and social media with all the latest information as the situation changes.
Please keep yourself familiarised with what’s happening in your area by using the Governments Postcode Checker
Stay Safe
The Herbert Woods Team
Coronavirus Update – 3rd November 2020
Following the latest Government announcement of the nationwide lockdown in England, we confirm that we are unable to offer cruiser, cottage and apartment holidays on the Norfolk Broads from 5 November 2020 to 2 December 2020. Day/picnic boats, kayak and canoe hire will also not take place.
Please also note that our main reception will be closed to the public. We will however be contacting all our customers who were due to holiday with us in November/early December to outline your transfer options. We remain available online and contactable by phone to book holidays for 2021.
As clarified by the Broads Authority, any customers who commenced their holidays before 5 November will be able to continue and complete their holidays. However, they are still subject to the government’s covid 19 guidance in England commencing 5 November onwards; not to go out without a reasonable excuse.
Our cottage and apartment holidays scheduled for 2 December onwards are unaffected at present and we will continue to monitor Government guidance.
We remain open to commence the essential winterisation, repairs, maintenance and updating of one of the largest fleets of cruisers on the Norfolk Broads; getting ready for the new season which will commence in February 2021. Our staff will continue to work safely on the Marina following covid-19 secure guidance.
2020 has been a challenging year for all involved in the hospitality and tourism industry. We remain grateful to all our loyal customers who have supported us by continuing to holiday with us this year, when they were able to do so, or by transferring their bookings.
Throughout the recent months we have also welcomed many new customers and offered them their first experience of the Norfolk Broads. We hope they will continue to enjoy all that the Norfolk Broads has to offer for many years to come.
In 2021, we will be celebrating our 95th anniversary of offering Broads Holiday Adventures. We wish all our customers and their families the best for the remainder of 2020 and look forward to seeing you again in 2021.
Stay Safe!
The Herbert Woods Team
Coronavirus Update – 11th September 2020
Before your holiday with us in September we want to make you aware that social distancing guidelines in England are changing (details below). Please ensure that you are aware of the social distancing laws and how they relate to your holiday.
As part of our check-in and handover process we will be asking you to confirm that your party is adhering to social distancing guidance. The police will have the powers to enforce these legal limits, including to issue fines.
If you need to change or amend your party details prior to your holiday please go to the My Booking portal.
We look forward to seeing you.
The Herbert Woods Team
What are the changes?
From the 14th September 2020 it will be against the law to meet people you do not live with in a group larger than 6 (unless you are meeting as a household or support bubble). These rules apply for guests staying away from home in any self-contained holiday accommodation including hire boats.
A maximum of six people are permitted to meet up inside or outside regardless of age. There is no restriction on the number of households that the six people come from.
For example your party could be made up of 6 adults, each living in separate households, or, a family of two adults and two children plus another couple (e.g. grandparents), or, three couples from three households. In all these cases the party must not exceed six.
A party can exceed six people if all of your party normally live in the same single household. This single household also includes your support bubble. A support bubble is a close support network between your household and a second household with only one adult in the home (or a single parent with children who are all under the age of 18).
For example a family of two parents, three children and two grandparents who live in the same house, who are also in a support bubble with another single grandparent. In this case a total of eight people can holiday together.
For more information and FAQs about the new guidelines please follow this link.
Coronavirus Update – 24th June 2020
Following the latest Government announcements, we are really pleased that we will soon be able to welcome you to the Norfolk Broads.
Since the middle of June our customers have been enjoying taking out our day boats, picnic boats and Kayaks and we are now planning to reopen for cruiser and cottage/apartment holidays from 4th July 2020.
For all holidays from the 4th July 2020 you will receive an updated pre-arrival e-mail with information about what to expect. Please ensure that you read this e-mail as it will contain important information and links about how we are changing what we do to ensure the safety of you, your family and friends, and our team.
If your holiday is due to start on the 3rd July 2020 we be in contact to discuss your options.
We are available online and contactable by phone to book holidays to take place from 4th July 2020 onwards. Our phone lines are extremely busy so please bear with us – thank you!
Our aim will be to go above and beyond Covid-19 Secure standards to ensure your safety and protection. It will be your responsibility to ensure that you are following the UK Governments most recent guidance on social distancing whilst on your break. What are we doing at Herbert Woods (Covid Secure)?
Whether it is your first visit, or you are returning, we are confident that if we all act responsibly you will be able to have an enjoyable, and well deserved break on the Norfolk Broads
We look forward to welcoming you.
The Herbert Woods Team
Coronavirus Update – 7th June 2020
We are following the rapidly evolving guidance from the government as the country begins to reopen aspects of the economy. At present Herbert Woods remain unable to offer holidays on the Norfolk Broads. This will be for all cruisers, cottages and apartments holidays.
For customers with a departure date in the next seven days we will be in contact with you directly to outline your transfer options.
We remain grateful to all our customers who have supported us and transferred their bookings to later in 2020 and 2021. We are continuing to carry out plans to make our Marina and services Covid-19 secure and will aim to go above and beyond the guidance given by Government so that when we are able to resume holidays our customers and employees are protected and safe.
We are available online and contactable by phone, to book holidays to take place from 4th July 2020 onwards. In the meantime, we will continue to monitor government guidance and update you through social media and our website.
We welcome the government’s guidance which extends access to outdoor spaces and activities. We believe that the Broads environment is great for promoting our health and wellbeing and we hope to be able to welcome back visitors as soon as safely possible.
Stay Safe
The Herbert Woods Team
Coronavirus Update – 14th May 2020
Following the latest announcement from the Prime Minister and the evolving guidance from the government Herbert Woods remain unable to offer holidays on the Norfolk Broads. This will be for all cruisers, cottages and apartments holidays, including Picnic and Day boats at this time.
For customers with a departure date before 31st May we will be in contact with you directly to outline your transfer options.
We will be updating customers on the status of June holidays as soon as we can. If you have a booking in June please do not contact us before this time, we appreciate your patience and understanding.
We remain grateful to all our customers who have supported us and transferred their bookings to later in 2020 and 2021. We are continuing to carry out plans to make our Marina and services Covid-19 secure and will aim to go above and beyond the guidance given by Government so that when we are able to resume holidays our customers and employees are protected and safe.
We are available online and contactable by phone, to book holidays to take place from 4th July 2020 onwards. In the meantime, we will continue to monitor government guidance and update you through social media and our website.
We welcome the government’s guidance which extends access to outdoor spaces and activities. We believe that the Broads environment is great for promoting our health and wellbeing and we hope to be able to welcome back visitors as soon as safely possible.
Stay Safe
The Herbert Woods Team
Coronavirus Update – 17th April 2020
Following the latest announcement from the Government continuing the current social distancing measures we will now be transferring all our holidays commencing between the 1st May and 14th May to a later date. This will be for cruisers, cottages and apartments on our Marina here in Potter Heigham. We will also not be hiring dayboats and picnic boats during this period.
For all parties due to holiday with us between the 1st May and 14th May we will contact you as soon as possible in order to find alternative dates.
For parties due to holiday with us after these dates we will continue to monitor government advice and will contact you if there are any changes.
These are unprecedented times for the Broads and the tourism industry in the UK. Herbert Woods has been offering holidays since 1926 and we are confident we will continue to do what we are best at once this temporary crisis is over. We are very grateful to all our customers who have transferred their bookings to later in 2020 and 2021.
Despite the closure of our boatyard to the public we are currently making plans to ensure that our customers stay safe and healthy in the future.
We are available online and contactable by phone, to book holidays to take place from 4th June 2020 onwards. In the meantime, we will continue to monitor government guidance and update you through social media and our website.
We hope that restrictions on travel are gradually lifted over the coming weeks and months, and we look forward to when you will be able to return to the Norfolk Broads and enjoy the tranquillity and serenity that our waterways offer.
The Herbert Woods Team
Updated: 23rd March 2020
Over the last few weeks, we have been mindful of the impact of the Coronavirus crisis on our customers, staff, their families and our local communities. For the safety of all we can no longer continue to offer holidays on the Broads. The latest government guidance released on 22nd March is now clear that there should be no unnecessary or non-essential travel for holidays.
It is with great sadness that Herbert Woods have decided that the right thing to support the UK in this challenging time is to transfer all our holidays due to be taken from 23rd March 2020 until 30th April 2020 to a later date. This will be for cruisers, cottages and apartments on our Marina here in Potter Heigham. We will also stop hiring dayboats and picnic boats.
For all parties due to holiday with us before the end of April we will contact you as soon as possible in order to find alternative dates.
For parties due to holiday with us in May or June, we will continue to monitor government advice, however if you would like to transfer your dates please wait until the start of April to contact us.
We are available online and contactable by phone, to book holidays to take place from 4th June 2020 onwards. In the meantime we will continue to monitor government guidance and update you through social media and our website.
We are proud that Herbert Woods has been providing holidays since 1926 and we look forward to welcoming you as soon as possible and giving you the opportunity to enjoy your next broads adventure.
Thank you for your understanding through this unprecedented time for our nation and please stay safe.
The Herbert Woods Team
Updated: 18th March 2020
Herbert Woods will continue to welcome holidaymakers to the Norfolk Broads. We are monitoring the government advice regarding non-essential travel on public transport and social distancing.
We value our customers’ health and welfare, and these are the actions we have been taking in light of coronavirus.
Our Marina
We already have excellent hygiene processes in place. Our team of experienced housekeeping staff thoroughly clean all boats, cottages and apartments prior to handover using enhanced cleaning products. They also ensure that all site facilities e.g. shower block, reception areas etc., are cleaned more often …Due to coronavirus for our customers’ protection we have:
· Put processes into place to ensure that you arrive, settle into and depart your accommodation (boats/cottages/apartments) following the government’s guidance on social distancing and hygiene
· Provided increased access to hand sanitisation and hand washing facilities
· Promoted the importance of good hygiene across the Marina
· Increased the regularity of cleaning around the site
· Worked with our cleaning suppliers to ensure that we are using the most appropriate cleaning products for our accommodation and Marina
Our staff
We have been communicating with our staff to ensure that;
· your arrival and movement to your accommodation is undertaken whilst maintaining safe distances
· they are aware of their responsibilities for good hygiene and handwashing
· they know what actions to take if they are concerned about the health of a customer or colleague
· they are monitoring their own health
Your holiday
Prior to your holiday if you or a family member become unwell due to coronavirus, and are either receiving treatment, been told to, or have chosen to self-isolate please contact us by phone, e-mail or via our website and we will be happy to discuss your options to transfer your holiday.
Should a delay to your holiday be required, we will be operating a free fee transfer policy in order to give you peace of mind that you will still be able to enjoy your holiday on the Broads in the near future.
If you have paid your balance we will transfer your holiday free of charge to an alternative date in 2020 or in 2021.
If you have not yet paid your balance, you will still need to pay your full balance by the original due date. When your balance is due please contact us and we can then transfer your booking to a later date.
If the full balance remains unpaid we are unable to transfer your booking and you will forfeit your deposit as our normal terms and conditions will apply.
Please note that we are not able to offer any refunds in connection with holidays cancelled due to fear, disinclination to travel, self-isolation or infection in connection with Coronavirus. If you need to cancel your holiday under these circumstances, then you should refer to your travel insurance policy.
How you can help us?
We want you to enjoy your upcoming holiday. All we ask is that you follow the guidance that you will see displayed around the Marina and in your welcome pack, on effective hygiene.
· Wash your hands, more often, for 20 seconds
· Use soap and water or a hand sanitiser regularly and when you blow your nose, sneeze, cough, or eat/handle food
Follow government guidance about social distancing and when to self-isolate.
If you have any further questions, please ask one of our staff members.
We look forward to welcoming you soon.
Thank you.
The Herbert Woods Team